Our CRM helps you manage your customers and not miss a lead



  • Store all your customers details and contacts with all their activity in one place.
  • Instantly see what leads, quotes and invoices you have with them and when they were last contacted.
  • Set the key customer contact and assign to a member of your team.
  • Import existing customer data from Excel.


  • Track who needs following up and the best method to contact them.
  • Set the probability of closing the deal.
  • Set a follow up date and the best contact method.
Quotes and Invoices

Quotes and Invoces

  • One click to generate a quote or invoice with your branding.
  • Include the products or services required.
  • Set % or £ discounts.
  • Quotes and invoices stored in the app.


  • Log all the activity with your customers.
  • Link activity to sales leads.
  • View previous activity with the customer.
Products and Services

Products and Services

  • Track your sales progress by product and service.
  • Store your product codes and pricing.
  • Import existing products and services from Excel.


  • See your monthly totals and conversion rates.
  • Trends of leads, quotes and invoices.
  • Trends of product and services.

A full featured CRM for only £8

per month
per user